Become a dog walking volunteer

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Sign up to volunteer to help dog-owners in need. Be part of ‘Underdog Unity’ programme which is a UK-wide network of vetted and insured volunteers who support dog-owning neighbours in need.

Originally launched in response to helping dog owners affected by Covid-19 impacts, this network of experienced volunteers can help walk dogs or care for dogs, should their owners not be able. Learn how to register below:

The application process

1.      Complete the registration form. Once we’ve reviewed your form, if we have people in your area needing help we will set up an online meeting with you to discuss your experience with dogs and give you more information about the role.

2. Start helping neighbours in need. You will receive a pack of leaflets that you can pop into the doors of your neighbours, so that they can sign up to via our website or by phone.

3. Await our call. We have received many volunteer applications and as such, we will only interview and vet volunteers once we have a ‘person in need’ in your area.

4. Provide your ID. Once matched with someone in need, we will undertake the vetting process which includes an identity check (such as a copy of your driving licence or passport, plus a copy of a utility bill for proof of address).

5.      Sign your contract. We have an easy-to-sign online contract that you will need to sign to ensure you recognise your responsibility as an Underdog Unity volunteer, and to confirm you have read our guidance and policies that relate to this role..     

Dog walking volunteer registration form