We are a charity run solely by volunteers. This means there are many ways you can get involved. The first step is to fill in the form below and then we can begin a discussion about how you can become a part of the Underdog International pack. Thank you!
Current volunteering vacancies
We currently need the following volunteers:
Foster a dog - if you’d like to register to foster one of our dogs sign up here
Therapy dog - if your dog has the right temperament, you could become a therapy dog volunteer sign up here
Fundraising - we are always looking for volunteers who can help to fundraise. If you’d like a fundraising pack, email hello@theunderdog.org
Drivers - if you can support with potentially driving dogs to their new homes, please complete the form below.
Facebook expert - we are looking for someone who can help improve our Facebook profile and how we use Facebook to raise awareness. If you have expertise in this area, please complete the form below.
Grants expert - if you have experience supporting the grants process, we love to hear from you.
[Please note, we currently do not have any need for volunteers to go to our shelters to help with the dogs, but will update this webpage as soon as this kind of opportunity arises.]