Welcome to the Underdog homechecking team!

We’re so excited to have you join the homechecking team and thank you so much for wanting to get involved and make a difference. Homecheckers play such an important role in the adoption process and we know it can be a lot to absorb to start with, so we’ve created this page to archive all our resources and information for you, so you can check back whenever you need to and find everything all in one place. Of course, if at any point you have any questions about anything just send a message to either Leanne or Eve.

Click here to download your Guide for Homecheckers!

Your documents

Homecheck form v1.5
Post-adoption check form v1.1

Useful documents

Adoption process for adopters v2.2
Collecting your Underdog v1.0
A little advice for you and your Underdog v1.2
Tap into Training v1.0


Linked below are two recorded homechecks for dogs with different backgrounds and home setups. Please use the homecheck form to follow along.

Homecheck 1

Homecheck 2


The next step is to listen to some of our post-adoption calls. During these calls, we like to discuss any concerns or issues and celebrate successes! It’s a time to catch up and see how our Underdogs are settling into UK life.

Post-adoption call 1

Post-adoption call 2

Post-adoption call 3


Now that you’ve listened to and got an understanding of the home check and post-adoption support Underdog provides, it’s time to take a short quiz. Don’t worry! You’ll ace it. Please follow this link to complete the quiz.


Well done! You’ve completed the online portion of your training and now it’s time for you to listen to the live homechecks. Please contact Leanne to discuss next steps :)

In case you’d like to get a bit more accustomed to troubleshooting common behavioural issues, you can access all our past behaviour webinars here.