Dogs name
Microchip number
Where was the dog found? (as much information as possible)
Not yet (but will be before travel)
No, too young
Weight (kg)
Expected adult size (if puppy)
Character and personality of the dog
Likes, dislikes, energy levels, temperament. Include any information that helps us write a unique post for the dog
General behaviour around people
Living with other dogs
Would be happiest living with other dogs
Friendly with other dogs but can live on my own
Would prefer to be the only dog
Behaviour with other dogs and any additional information
Please give as much information as possible e.g. not good with other males, nervous around big dogs, sociable in groups etc
Living with children
I can live with children
I would rather not live with children
I can live with older children
Unknown, not tested with children
Behaviour with children (if known) and any additional information
Living with cats
Friendly with cats
Not friendly with cats
Unknown, not cat tested
Behaviour with cats (if known) and any additional information
Behaviour on the lead
Which of these statements apply to this dog?
Tick all that apply
Would prefer a calm household
Could keep up with a busy pace of life
Needs an active lifestyle
Needs a experienced family
Could live in a busy city area
Would prefer to live outside the city
Would be best suited to a countryside home
Needs a garden
Any known health issues? (Past/and or present)
We will need x-rays or historic blood results for any accidents or illnesses
Please tick to confirm which blood tests have been done
4DX SNAP (Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Lymes Disease, Heartworm)
4DX SNAP and IFAT (Leishmania)
Brucellosis test
Rabies Titer
All dogs must be blood tested before travel, even puppies
Blood tests complete, dog is healthy
Blood tests results pending
Anything else you'd like to add?
Form completed by