


My name is: Coco
I came from: Cyprus
Now I live in: New Malden, Surrey
My favourite things are: Resting on the sofa, peanut butter, agility and generally sniffing around, and big cuddles

Coco’s story

Coco came to us from a foster family in Yorkshire but had come to the UK from Cyprus. We had sadly lost our previous dog in October 2021 and we just happened to see Coco on the Underdog website. We were going to wait at least six months before getting another dog but it was love at first sight!

Coco was apprehensive at first (can’t blame her as it was yet another house she was in) but soon became part of our family (we have children who are in their early 20s). I would say she did take six months to feel she was really settled and to know that this was her forever home! Underdog were very supportive when we had our initial chats and were available to answer any questions we had. We went to meet Coco before she came to us and were able to take her on a walk so we could all meet each other.

Well, let’s tell you a bit about our lovely Coco! She is not an early riser and can happily stay in her bed until 9 o’clock. She is very calm (no problem checking ears and teeth) and loves a cuddle and all the attention we can give her. She doesn’t bark very often and it wasn’t until we had had her for about six months that we actually heard her bark, at a balloon that was stuck in a tree! She is a little princess and her nick-name is Coco Chanel. She loves other dogs and gets to meet her friends in the park early every morning and gets a lot of attention when we are out and about.

Being a pointer cross she has a good nose for a squirrel or a bird so recall has been a real ongoing focus of her training. We do train with a whistle too for those times of real distraction. We started her training with a long line which has been invaluable and she is very food orientated which always helps. She’s also a real devil for sniffing out absolutely any food (even if questionably edible) when we’re out and about, her long neck and nose are very suited for that . . . . and she also took a fancy to a couple of her mum’s shoes (must have been smelly as it was only mum’s that got targeted!).

We enrolled Coco in agility training classes a few months after arriving with us and was a great way of getting training advice (lots of games online) and having lots of fun in the process. We now have a lot of the equipment in our garden including weave poles and jumps. She can do 12 weaves in a row which is amazing (first in her group to do so!). We have continued with this as it gives all of us a focus and a great continuing bonding tool.

Coco runs with her dad three times a week and we all love walking and have Richmond Park close at hand so she has plenty of exercise and focus. She really does love to be up high and will jump onto a wall and walks along like a true princess!

Coco gives us so much pleasure and is truly an amazing dog and we feel very privileged that she came to us.

- Louise & Steve

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