


My name is: Wesley
I came from: Cyprus
Now I live in: Aberdeen
My favourite things are: Naps on a comfy sofa, wrestling with my dog friends, and zoomies at the beach
Follow me on Instagram: @ronald._wesley

Wesley’s story

I have been desperate for a dog of my own for the longest time, forever driving Fraser up the wall by repeatedly asking for a dog. We both work full time jobs which cannot be done remotely, and so we just felt that it wouldn’t have been fair to bring a dog home. Nonetheless, I continued to follow Underdog on their social media, and would intermittently browse their website. I have always been in awe of what a great organisation they are!

One day, when the dog-shaped hole was feeling particularly prominent, I started making a rough schedule for what it might look like to own a dog around the shifts I work. After some time spent on this, I started to realise that actually it might not be as impossible as we had originally feared, through our amazing network of friends and family who have always been so supportive! Fraser’s words were “if you can prove it works, then we can get a dog” - say no more!! Many excel spreadsheets later, we had a system worked out around my shifts which meant our future dog wouldn’t be left alone for more than a few hours at a time!

On one of my scrolls through the selection of amazing dogs on the Underdog website, we came across Wesley! We were immediately smitten and just couldn’t stop thinking about him. He sounded like the most wonderful dog, having the bonus points of already being house trained, and being happy to be left in the house for short periods of time - an unavoidable consequence of our work. We spoke about Wesley a few times before agreeing to put in an application to see how things went. A few weeks later we had an email from Eve saying that they’d be delighted to consider us as a home for Wes - I cried floods of happy tears that day!

The process was very straight forward from that point. We sent over some paperwork and arranged a home check. We had a lovely and very laid back chat with Lauren from the Underdog team, and shortly after that we had the all clear to bring Wes home - cue more happy tears!

We have now had Wesley in our lives for nearly a year and just couldn’t imagine ourselves without him! He’s the goofiest boy, with such a kind soul. He just wants to be friends with every person (and dog) who exists. When he’s out and about, he loves a sniff and a run around, and particularly enjoys his evenings rough-housing with his two best labradoodle friends! When he’s in the house, he’ll happily just curl up on the sofa at our feet (or directly on top of us) and snooze the day away. Every single day he gives us the motivation to get outside and enjoy the countryside (whatever the weather), and each day he’ll do something daft to makes us both laugh. He has had some issues with being reactive around other dogs - he is just desperate to befriend everyone, but is learning slowly that it is okay to exist alongside other dogs without getting too excited!

I would wholeheartedly recommend Underdog for anyone looking for a rescue dog. The entire process was straightforward, with the team offering support and answers to questions before, during, and after we brought Wes home! They are always just an email away if there are any issues whatsoever, and we hope to one day give another Underdog a home.

- Rachel & Fraser

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