Pepper 🇨🇾

Pepper 🇨🇾


How big? Large
How old? Adult
Male or female? Female
Living with kids?
I can live with children (8+)
Living with dogs? I can live with other dogs
Resident dog required? No
Living with cats? I've not been tested with cats
Where can I live? I'd like an active home with a garden
Where am I from? Cyprus

About Pepper

Pepper was brought into the shelter after being found as a heavily pregnant stray and shortly after arriving gave birth to Rufus, Riley, Ruby, Ringo and Rider, who we recently brought to the UK. Pepper was an amazing mother to her pups so it was such a shame to see her babies leaving for their new lives and Pepper being left behind in the confines of the shelter. Hopefully, there’s a home out there for her too.

Pepper is an utterly beautiful dog. She has the most gorgeous eyes and thick coat, and on top of that she also boasts a wonderful character. Although we think she’s a beauty, her appearance can be unnerving to some people who don’t know her nature, as she sometimes just sits in the corner of her kennel looking like a wolf. However, she is so friendly, curious and affectionate, and she really loves being around people. Even when her pups were young, Pepper trusted people to come into her kennel and handle her babies. She never so much as growled.

Pepper now shares her kennel with another dog of a similar size to her and has bonded with him nicely. They’re playful, clumsy and goofy together, but they also respect each other’s space. Pepper hasn’t shown any issues socialising with other dogs, but would be absolutely fine living in a home on her own as she doesn’t rely on the presence of a canine companion to be happy, and seems quite content chilling on her own.

Being a Shepherd mix, Pepper is really smart and would pick up new commands and training easily if she was given some 1-2-1 focus. She is keen to please and would benefit from some entry level training and the minimum to instil a strong bond between her and her new family, but she would also just enjoy learning. She would welcome an active lifestyle and would definitely prefer a home outside of the city with access to a garden.

Pepper has always been lovely around people, but has had limited exposure to children whilst in our care. We would therefore recommend based on this alongside her large size that she is rehomed with children aged 8+ ideally, unless the children have considerable experience living with big dogs. She will also need a bit more lead training, but absolutely loves going out for a walk with the volunteers and is sure to pick up good lead manners given a bit of time to adjust to a new routine.

Pepper is currently based in Cyprus and has a clean bill of health. She is ready to travel once she finds her forever home.

Please note, any mention of breed is nothing more than an educated guess based on what we know about the dog, their appearance, behaviour, and common breeds in their country of origin. We can never guarantee breed specifics, nor can we confirm the exact age of our dogs, unless they were born in our care. Age estimations are made by our vets based on the development of the dog, their general health and energy, and assessing their teeth.

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