
How big? Smaller side of medium
How old? Adult (around four years)
Male or female? Male
Living with kids?
I can live with children (6+)
Living with dogs? I can live with other dogs
Resident dog required? No
Living with cats? I can live with cats
Where can I live? I’d like a calm home outside of the city
Where am I from? Cyprus

About Ermis

Ermis was found as a stray and was brought into the shelter in a sorry state. He was weak, skinny and withdrawn, and in desperate need of a good, long sleep, a nice meal, and some cuddles. He slotted into the shelter no bother and has been patiently waiting for his forever home since.

Ermis is thought to be around four years old and is a smaller sized hound mix. He is a very gentle, submissive and good natured boy, and is friendly towards everyone he meets. There’s genuinely not a bad bone in his body and he has a very loyal, loving and forgiving soul. He doesn’t ask for very much, and as long as he feels secure, he’s happy.

Ermis would be a lovely addition to a home looking for a friendly but less demanding dog. He would be perfect for snuggles on the sofa and leisurely walks at the weekend, and although he wasn’t great on the lead when he first arrived at the shelter he’s much better now. He loves spending time outside in the sunshine and would welcome having a little garden to call his own.

We don’t know loads about Ermis’ history, as is the case with many of our dogs, but his slightly reserved demeanour suggests he might not always have been treated with the kindness he deserved. He also had a few scratches and scars upon arrival, most of which have faded now thanks to better care and good diet. That said though, Ermis has so much resilience, and will very gently try to befriend any new person in a matter of minutes after meeting. He’s a firm favourite with the volunteers due to his balanced character. His tail wags at the slightest hint of kindness!

Ermis would love a home based outside of the city where it’s a little calmer, and where he has access to lots of nearby walks. He is friendly with other dogs and could be homed with or without resident pups, and he is also avoidant of cats so we feel confident that he could learn to co-exist with a resident feline. He is very patient and kind natured towards children, but would prefer a home with children aged 6+ who can respect his space and are a little more predictable in their movements, as this would be more comfortable for Ermis.

Ermis is currently based in Cyprus and has a clean bill of health. He is ready to travel once he finds his forever home.

Please note, any mention of breed is nothing more than an educated guess based on what we know about the dog, their appearance, behaviour, and common breeds in their country of origin. We can never guarantee breed specifics, nor can we confirm the exact age of our dogs, unless they were born in our care. Age estimations are made by our vets based on the development of the dog, their general health and energy, and assessing their teeth.

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