Lola 🇨🇾

Lola 🇨🇾


How big? Medium
How old? Adult (around 2.5 years)
Male or female? Female
Living with kids?
I can live with children (6+)
Living with dogs? I can live with other dogs
Resident dog required? No
Living with cats? I've not been tested with cats
Where can I live? I'd like an active, semi-rural home with a garden
Where am I from? Cyprus

About Lola

Lola was brought into the shelter well over a year ago by the dog warden after she was found as a stray. Unfortunately, she didn’t catch anyone’s eye for a long time and has sadly waited a very long time for someone to notice her. During this time, Lola has seen dozens of her previous kennel mates come and go, but we’re hoping before long it will soon be her turn.

Lola is around two and a half years old and based on her appearance we reckon there’s some Shepherd in her mix, She has a gorgeous, thick tri-coloured coat and a tail that rarely stops wagging, especially when she’s around people she knows and loves. She’s a moderately active girl and would absolutely love a lifestyle that allows her to enjoy long walks and explore the countryside. Sadly, the shelter just can’t offer that type of routine, but we know she’d make a fab exploring partner given the chance!

Lola is very good with people and since joining the shelter she has become a lot more friendly and confident. She used to hang back in the kennel in the early days, but is now much happier to approach new people and is always down for a belly rub! She loves her walks and is making good progress with some basic lead training, but it’s still fairly new to her and will need a bit more work.

Lola has lived alongside another kennel mate for as long as she’s been in the shelter, and was also previously part of a group in a kennel compound too, so we know that she gets on well with other dogs. She could live with a male or female resident dog, as long as they were a well suited temperament alongside Lola, but equally she could be more than happy as the only dog in the household. It will be a big adjustment for Lola to acclimate to a typical companion lifestyle after so long in the shelter, but with time, patience and understanding we’re hopeful that she will find her feet in due course.

Lola has never been anything other than friendly and playful with people, but has limited exposure to children. Based on her characteristics, we wouldn’t anticipate her to struggle living alongside kids, but her adopters will need to ensure she has her own space and to ensure boundaries, so as not to overwhelm Lola with too much too soon.

Lola’s ideal home would be based in a semi-rural area or quieter town with access to lots of nearby green spaces. She would be best suited to a home with direct access to a garden, and would prefer a reasonably active lifestyle with someone who enjoys the outdoors and would love a pal to explore with. She’s not a lazy dog and definitely has the stamina to keep up with a faster pace of life.

Lola is currently based in Cyprus and has a clean bill of health. She is ready to travel once she finds her forever home.

Please note, any mention of breed is nothing more than an educated guess based on what we know about the dog, their appearance, behaviour, and common breeds in their country of origin. We can never guarantee breed specifics, nor can we confirm the exact age of our dogs, unless they were born in our care. Age estimations are made by our vets based on the development of the dog, their general health and energy, and assessing their teeth.

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