Richie 🇨🇾

Richie 🇨🇾


How big? Medium
How old? Adolescent (around two years)
Male or female? Male
Living with kids?
I can live with children (8+)
Living with dogs? I can live with female dogs
Resident dog required? No
Living with cats? I’ve not been tested with cats
Where can I live? I need a confident home outside of the city with a garden
Where am I from? Cyprus

About Richie

Richie was found as a stray on the streets of Cyprus and although he was in good condition no one ever came to collect him from the shelter. He’s been waiting a while for his forever home, but unfortunately the right adopter just hasn’t come along as of yet. Hopefully it won’t be long before his luck changes.

Richie is only around two years old and is still an only young dog with an active, adventurous nature. Based on his handsome appearance we think he’s a Rottweiler/Hound mix, two breeds that are known for their loyalty and connection with humans. He has been fantastic with all the shelter volunteers since his arrival and loves going out for his daily walks, being fussed over, and meeting new people. Unfortunately, Richie isn’t the best with other male dogs, but he is great with females and shares his kennel with Grape, who he’s been very kind and gentle with.

Richie has learned how to walk very nicely on the lead and is a great walking partner. He’s trots along steadily and consistently, stopping for a good sniff now and again. He enjoys being outside and would welcome an active lifestyle with a family who like long walks. He would also prefer a home with direct access to a garden too, where he can let off some steam, stretch his legs and play outside with his toys.

Richie is definitely more human oriented than dog oriented and it would be great to see him go to a home that want to work more on his socialisation and basic training. He is very devoted, clever and eager to please, so an introduction to some more formal training would be really beneficial for him, and we think he’d do really well. In terms of living with other dogs, he would be fine with females (unless they were more dominant characters), but he would also be totally fine on his own. He’d welcome the 1-2-1 attention and all the fuss!

Richie is great with older children (9+) and is really friendly, affectionate and gentle. He hasn’t had any exposure to very young kids, but we think based on his medium size and energy levels a home with slightly older children would be preferable anyway. He’s never shown anything but good behaviour around children and we think he’d be a very loving companion. He has not been tested with cats however.

Richie is looking for a confident family to help continue his training and socialisation, based outside of the city where it’s a little calmer, and who can give him a more active lease of life, allowing him to explore the world after all his time spent in the shelter. As Richie isn’t comfortable around male dogs, we would not recommend him to a first time dog owner, and would prefer a family with some previous dog experience who know how to manage this behaviour. In the right family Richie will be amazing!

Richie is currently based in Cyprus and has a clean bill of health. He is ready to travel once he finds his forever home.

Please note, any mention of breed is nothing more than an educated guess based on what we know about the dog, their appearance, behaviour, and common breeds in their country of origin. We can never guarantee breed specifics, nor can we confirm the exact age of our dogs, unless they were born in our care. Age estimations are made by our vets based on the development of the dog, their general health and energy, and assessing their teeth.

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