Samson 🇨🇾

Samson 🇨🇾


How big? Medium
How old? Adolescent (around one year)
Male or female? Male
Living with kids?
I can live with children (6+)
Living with dogs? I can live with other dogs
Resident dog required? No
Living with cats? I've not been tested with cats
Where can I live? I'd like a calm home outside of the city with a garden
Where am I from? Cyprus

About Samson

Samson is around a year old and was brought into the shelter as a stray. Unfortunately he had no microchip so we were unable to locate anyone who may have been missing him, and he’s now spent the last two months in the shelter waiting for a new family.

Samson is thought to be a Rottweiler/Hound mix, and he is the softest, sweetest soul in the shelter. Admittedly, he isn’t the sharpest tool in the box, but what he lacks in brain cells he makes up for in personality - and anyway, brains aren’t everything! Samson is very loving and affectionate, and also extremely patient with other dogs. He shares his kennel with four other big, bouncy males, and he never gets cross when they accidentally jump on him or push him out of the way. He waits his turn like a good boy and gets on nicely with his kennel mates.

Samson is quite a calm boy, and he definitely isn’t the most confident of dogs but he’s getting more self-assured every day. He welcomes a kind word or two and gets so excited when people want to spend time with him - he loves giving kisses and his tail wags so enthusiastically his entire body wiggles! The shelter has been quite an overwhelming environment for him and it’s taken him a little time to adjust, but he’s done really well. However, we cannot wait to see him finally get the security, 1-2-1 attention, and calm that he’s craving when he gets his forever home!

Samson struggles a bit in the summer heat and enjoys the shade of his kennel and dipping his paws in a paddling pool. The UK weather will be relieving for him and he would love having a little garden to potter about him once he gets settled. We also think that Samson’s energy levels may increase once he’s adapted to a companion lifestyle, and therefore a family who enjoy a good walk would be perfect.

Although Samson hasn’t shown any significant nervousness or anxiety, we don’t think he would do well in a very busy, noisy environment, and a calmer, quieter home would be his preference. He can live with or without other dogs, but due to his submissive nature he can be an easy target for bullies, so a very friendly dog would be preferable. As long as Samson is met with lots of love, reassurance and patience in his new home we think he will blossom.

Samson is currently based in Cyprus and has a clean bill of health. He is ready to travel once he finds his forever home.

Please note, any mention of breed is nothing more than an educated guess based on what we know about the dog, their appearance, behaviour, and common breeds in their country of origin. We can never guarantee breed specifics, nor can we confirm the exact age of our dogs, unless they were born in our care. Age estimations are made by our vets based on the development of the dog, their general health and energy, and assessing their teeth.

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